Some Observations on The Political Front

February 8, 2008

   Well, Mitt Romney has thrown in the towel.  This probably proves that on the right he was the best candidate for the job.  He knew enough to depart without pissing good money after bad, and that’s a lesson all our politicians would be well advised to partake of.  You kind of had to feel for the guy after West Virginia.  I mean, what was done there was a do over.   Put in football terms, after the Huckabee Patriots got their asses handed to them by the Romney Giant’s, They called the McClain scumsucking lying geriatric fuckwits (kind of lost my football motif their, but you get the idea) and borrowed a couple of linebackers and a running back.  The refs allowed this, and with more men on the field Huckabee beats Romney.  What kind of a halfwitted system is that?  I know in-breeding is common in Appalachia, but I had no idea the incest ran into their politics.

   The biggest problem for conservatives with Romney getting out of the race is simply he had the only chance left of beating McCain.  Romney at least won in states where a Republican could be expected to win.  I’m all but certain McCain isn’t going to win the presidency if he is counting on New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and California to get him there.  I’d Have to say based on his moribund track record as a conservative a lot of Republicans won’t be wasting much time come November 4th.  They’re already showing this with a poll count tht is less than half that of the democrats.

   Speaking of which.  After years of trying to get out the black vote they have finally accomplished it.  Not only are they voting in droves, they are voting almost in lock step for Obama.  I think this is cool.  Everyone should participate, and all we had to do was make it color coded.  Shoot, an oreo cookie could’ve beat George Bush had we only known.  Scrape off the cream baby, if it ain’t all brown they won’t vote.  Pardon my obvious racism here, but is it unseemly to note that only guys like Hitler, Stalin,  Hussein, and Ahmadinejad enjoy an 88% popularity at the polls with people of their own race?  Before you climb that podium fuckwit, I’m not comparing him to any of them.  He is far less prepared to lead than any of them we’re upon seeking the highest office in their prospective countries.  If you’d like a comparison I’d go with Jimmy Carter.  Nice guy, incredibly intelligent, and so far out of his league that he well might have been the worst president in the 20th century.

   While it may have been her last good night in awhile, Super Tuesday was fun for a couple of reason for Hillary.  Can you imagine the joy at campaign hillary when they won Massachusetts in dare I say it….a landslide?  Apparently Ted’s powerful endorsement wasn’t exactly that.  It’s nice to see him out and about, and so pale he can’t be on the planet much longer.  I don’t mean to walk on his grave or anything, but what a grand day it will be when his expiration date is realized.

   A couple of other notes…wasn’t Missouri awfully close considering again that Barack had all the endorsements that matter their?  Is there any state left that Huckabee can win?  The answer there is decidely and resoundingly no.

   All the rancor and vitriol aside, the democratic race is shaping up to be a real slugfest.  I can’t picture Hillary Going quietly into that good night, and Barack has proven to be an astoundingly successful candidate considering he doesn’t have any experience, and his platform is still incredibly scant on detail.

  I left out Ron Paul.  Reason being is his irrelevence.  Which hasn’t changed since day one, as previously stated to many times to ocunt here.

the california republican debate

January 31, 2008

    Was absolutely unimportant.  Why?  Several reason, not the least of which is that John McCain can’t beat any of the remaining democratic candidates.  For that matter he couldn’t beat Al Franken.  He can’t even beat Al Franken in an honesty challenge.

     I don’t care for McCain.  I have a number of reasons for this.  I suppose #1 is that he represents the worst in what America is. Don’t believe me?  Let me cite a little public record for you.  If you think I’m making any of this up go see for yourself.

    He feels the most important thing he has ever done involved bombing the shit out of some people that at no time in their history ever threatened America.  Not just any people.   Third world people with no ability to defend themselves.  These people had to count on aid from China and the Soviet Union to have any hope against the far superior military technology of the United States.

   I’m not a particular fan of Hanoi Jane, nor having been a member  of the U.S armed forces do I find them reprehensible on any level.  I do however find myself disgusted by someone who failed miserably at his job claiming to be a hero.  Why do I say he failed?    Far less than 1% of sorties flown over North Vietnam ended in the pilot being shot down.  Therefore 99% + of all pilots were better at their jobs than this mullet, and you don’t see them running around begging people to recognize their heroism.  They came home, and with little fanfare went about resuming their lives.

    He’s a liar.  Consistently and on the public record the man lies and obfuscates in the hopes of being seen as better than his fellow man.   He doesn’t just lie, he twists the truth in such a way as to sway public opinion for his own benefit which I find particularly despicable in a public servant.  I think everyone else should lie a lot and with relish.  Want an example?

I’ll paraphrrase here because I’m way to lazy to look up the words of a man who lies consistently and for self aggrandizement.  If we leave Iraq without victory it will make our military look like failures.  Not so Jack…er….John.  It will make our politicians look like failures, and your own little war already proved to the world our politicians really don’t have the stomach for it.

    He’s a perpetual loser.  He has run for president more times than Jesse Jackson, and has never gotten a sniff.  He believes this isn’t because he’s a garrulous petulant little pain in the ass.  He believed so strongly that it was money alone that blocked him that he joined with Russ Feingold to create a finance reform plan that, while unconstitutional, was what he saw as his only hope to compete with people who were given money because people liked them.

He’s an elitist prick.  He smirks at Mitt Romeny for being a successful businessman( and other successful business people by proxy).  Yet at the same time he disdains anyone who isn’t a warmongering sycophant.  If you are not part of the John McCain fanclub you are unworthy to have an opinion, and again tonight he showed his disdain for any viewpoints but his own.  I hate that in a person.  Unless it’s me of course.  that was for you micky, you scumsucking retard.

   I guess probably what I hate most about him is his fossilized ass doesn’t have the grace to retire into obscurity.  He just keeps banging his little war tomtom.  Tonight, when asked why voters should consider him the best man to lead in regards to the economy, he immediately began reciting his war resume.  He claims a level of character he thinks none of us should dare aspire to, while flat out lying about Mitt Romney.  He well may be the most scurrilous politician of our time.

   Now, you wanna here what I like about John McCain?  I like how he is about to get his ass trounced by a girl in the general election.  He has taken advantage of the Republican parties historical “it is now your turn” style of choosing a candidate.  He won’t be able to benefit from that when his lack of ideas that coincide with what the voters want become exposed in the race for president.  Anyone who could start a debate in 2008 with “yes i think the american people are better off than they were 8 years ago” should be beaten with a bat until sanity returns.

   Nothing personal John.  You’re just a petulant little asshole who has been around so long nobody will call you on it.

Mitt:  you just look wrong, dude.  What common guy with a budweiser in his hand and his shrew of a wife cooking dinner barefoot in the kitchen could ever vote for someone with that perpetually pedantic look on their face.? I think you’d blow the rest away on the economy, except Ron Paul.  It’s not your turn Mitt…that’s why republicans keep showing you thier backsides.

Ron Paul:  I’m not sure why he wasn’t there tonight.  He’s the only conservative in the race, and should’ve been at the debate.  Oh, you say he was there?  CNN and Andderson Cooper will disagree with you.

Mike:  God you suck.  Go back to preaching.  The seperation of church and state is supposed to protect us from religious zealotry.  It hasn’t for the last 8 years, but it truly is time for a change.

What it comes down to on the Republican side is do we wish to have a president willing to squander away all this nation has achieved into the moneypit in Iraq or do we want someone who can lead us away from American Imperialism.  As Ron Paul isn’t even recognized, and McCain is being deified, I reckon we have our answer.  For the first time since I started voting I’ll be voting democrat. 

The politics of nausea

January 23, 2008

     It’s hard not to get that room spinning stomach churning feeling if you’re paying attention to politics these days.  Particularly if you’re a conservative.   Which I am.  I’m still going to vote for Hillary if she wins the Democratic primaries.  Which makes me a little green around the gills. 

   Why would I do such a thing?  Because to be quite frank I have a one eyed dog that gives me far more confidence than any of the conservative candidates.  Faux heroism, intellect, and morals do not sway me, and none of the Republican candidates have a realistic plan to place America back on a track worthy of the people that reside here.

    Lets start with McCain.  The only thing he has going for him is he was a war hero.  He consistently goes against the will of the people in his policy ideals, and like it or not that makes him a very bad employee.  The heroism thing is even a huge stretch to a thinking person.  Lets face it; the man volunteered to drop bombs on civilians in a soveriegn nation.  He was shot down during this criminal endeavor, and granted was treated horrendously during his captivity.  News flash….drop a bomb on my kids and see if you’re asking me to pass the canapes when I catch your sorry ass.  Like it or not, the true heroes of Vietnam were the conscripts that went and fought a war for no other reason than their government told them to.  Or even my personal favorite, Muhammad Ali, who faced prison rather than to go against his beliefs.  McCain was no hero.  He merely persevered through trying times that his own actions set in motion.

    Mighty Mike Huckabee.  I know this will offend some of you, but I believe his god is a case of mythology run amok.  I believe in him the same way I believe in Prometheus and Thor.    I do not want to be led by a man who bases his decisions on a god that has no more connection to reality than do Hercules and Hermes. 

   Giuliani and Romney….I put these two together because they are both the same sort of individual.  They have proven to say whatever they need to in order to get what they are after.  Puissant pandering does not a president make, and while they have both had limited experience making things function at the state and local level, neither has any proven ability to lead a nation in a world that is somewhat more complicated than running the olympics or taking credit for the hard work of others after what has been dubbed a national (an incredibly localized I might add) tragedy.

   Then there is of course Ron Paul.  I I’d like to vote for him.  I’d also like to ravage the swedish bikini team in a large vat of vanilla bean ice cream slathered in chocolate syrup.  Fantasy is cool, but hardly intelligent when it comes to casting your vote.   The man has never built a coalition in his entire congressional career.  Not a track record for change.

   So I’m left with Hillary.  Barack has the least experience of any candidate.  Voting for Barack is sort of like hiring a dishwasher to change your head gasket.  I can’t see it.  About the only thing he seems to have going for him is his tint.   Hillary on the other hand was intimately involved with an administration that balanced the budget,  increased the net worth of each American family, and managed to enact legislation that produced the strongest economy America has experienced in decades.  Her husband has been labelled a racist by Obama because Obama needs Bill to be a racist.  All the facts show that he isn’t, and that his administration fought for minorities and made their lives better.  This even though he was saddled with a congress dominated by the Republican party through most of his administration.

    So there you have it.  I’m voting for the girl with the big butt.   It’s not an easy thing to do, but based on history she is the only one that has any knowledge of how to build a coalition that is capable of changing the course this country is on.

so, anyway

October 2, 2007

  I’m not going to finish my conversation with Smiley right now.  It involves the contemplation of the last week, and having lived it I couldn’t possibly more disinterested in the travesty of reason I’ve engaged myself in.  I do however have a few comments about things that havbve no fucking affect on me whatever.

You have to admire the ruthlessness required to kill buddhist monks.   Well, I do anyway.  I also admire the courage of the monks.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Blackwater for bringing to light the plight of mercenaries everywhere.  I would also like to express the opinion that if they were less successful at protecting diplomats this war might already be over.

The annual early October retchfest has occurred.  I think cleaning up barf is gods punishment for those of us who procreate.

Has anyone copped to the fact that we will be in Iraq longer if the Democrats win than if the Republicans do?  When was the last time a democrat got us OUT of a war?

I haven’t really checked the blog spin machine yet, but is it really a good thing that Ron Paul raised $3 million?  Thats like what? 3 nationwide television ads?

I was going to go back and read all the wonderful things on the blogs that I’ve missed, but y’all are far to prolific.  I’m going to just pick up from your last post.  If there is a problem with that send me a memo telling me which missed posts are must reads, and I’ll ignore them just for you.

 I rue the day I decided beating my children was counterproductive.

I’m supposed to be at an Alzheimers fundraiser but I forget where its at.

I like Hillary’s laugh.  She should have practiced more since she hasn’t done it in 40 years.

I got a call from one of my exes at 3 a.m.   She wasn’t drunk.  It reminded me of a line I heard once where an executive said his employees could drink anything they like at lunch except Vodka, because he would prefer his clients think them drunk rather than stupid.  I should point out that my ex isn’t stupid either.  Psychotic.  self absorbed.  megalomaniacal but not stupid.

Hello anti, Max, anita, bagel, kaleidoscope, bagel, conundrum, et al.

Breaks over.  I think i’ll go kill something.

another candidate quiz

September 18, 2007

  Here is another one of those quizzes designed to tell you which candidate most agrees with your values.  My Top Republican was Mitt Romney, and my top Democrat was Chris Dodd.  The Romney thing had me choking the hell out of myself.  It really is true.  You can’t choke yourself to death.  I did achieve unconsciousness though.

The most gratifying part of the quiz was that Barack Obama came in dead last…right behind Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.  Apparently I can still spot a whackjob a mile away.

Just some thoughts on…

September 18, 2007

   Well, my Jena6 perspective isn’t so popular.  I’m not surprised.  Thinking for ones self, and reacting to your environment in a sane and civil way are almost never popular.  I’ll venture one step further now.  Overturning the conviction was a typical judiciary response to a few knee jerk radicals.  Rather than charge the other individuals they will let these 6 slide as well.  Exactly the opposite of what decency would dictate should be done.  It isn’t hard to figure out how society has become so adrift when the structures set in place to manage it are failing so monumentally at every conceivable level of government.

You’d think Hillary would understand that she of all candidates really needs to run a squeaky clean campaign.  Ethics have never been in large supply in Clintonian politics, and the voters should maybe question her integrity on the Hsu mess.  You have to give the Clintons credit…they stay bought as long as you keep paying.  I suppose since they are chinese toys they should be painted with lead based paint.

The Packers are now 2-0.  The only important thing that happened this week with the exception of the Badgers are now 3-0.  Of course they’ve only beaten those two NFC East dynamos, the Giants and the Eagles.  So could most good high school teams.

  5 republican representatives and 3 republican senators are resigning at the end of their terms.  This doesn’t include the restroom retard Larry Craig.  i think it is safe to make a prediction for the ’08 elections now.  I’m thinking both houses of congress go veto proof to the Democrats, and the White house goes democrat as well.  That’s right folks, the Republicans are diving off a sinking ship, and you are about to experience the worst case government imagineable.  One controlled completely by one party.  I’m checking out foundries in Canada as we speak.

Nope.  I’m not going to talk about OJ.

   I will mention Ron Paul though.  We are one month closer than the last time I checked his numbers, and there has been no movement.  The blog furor seems to be dying down as well.  The Pauliacs must be starting to realize that they are beating a dead horse this election season.  Don’t feel bad though.  Ge never had a chance, and we know this because?

I said so

Ron Paul on Bill O’Reilly discussing the Middle East

September 11, 2007

It's really hard to add to this. Does it really sound like good policy? I'm inclined to agree with Bill here. That doesn't mean I'm against a redeployment of forces (preferably to Tehran), but getting out of the middle east would be suicidal. Ron does stick to his beliefs though. A reasonably sound piece of journalism here. No attacks particularly, and Ron was allowed to present his facts.

The more things change…

September 11, 2007

     Having been on this planet longer than most dirt, I’ve come to realize that in the short run very little changes.  We expand on theme’s, throw our effort into perfecting the imperfectable, and chase dreams that defy all logical purpose.  We have this incredible need to know more, to do more, and be more than the generation that came before, and to be honest im many ways we fail at it.

    Politics, as you’ve probably figured, is one of my favorite areas of this failing, and the answer to why we fail here is so obvious it’s almost derivative.  In so many things, there really isn’t a litmus test, but I have one that I use on myself.  Would I fire me?  Seems trite, but you’d be surprised how often I find that I would.  It’s a test that we should apply to our politicians.  If you performed at the level that your elected officials perform would you expect to be fired?

   If your answer wasn’t a resounding hell yes, go soak your head.  Now here’s the rub.  It is almost never the Presidents fault, and that includes this time.  Seldom is a president charismatic enough to move things through sheer force of will.  The most disingenuous thing in politics right now is the democrats whining “he lied to us.”  I’m sorry, he can’t lie to you if you were to lazy to read the official reports, as Hillary Clinton has admitted.  I’ll grant that there are several thousand pages, but it also seems sort of important, and maybe she should have took a look, so to speak.

    It was brought to my attention today, that of the last 27 years of presidents, only George Bush senior hasn’t obviously violated either the constitution, or the criminal code.  Ronald Reagan and Geroge Bush were both knighted, ostensibly a violation of the no foreign titles clause, and Bill Clinton is a confessed perjurer.  This doesn’t mean they were failures.  George Bush has performed well under difficult circumstances.

authors note:  i consider being a hand puppet and brain dead difficult circumstances.

He has however kept the nation afloat during a war, and fighting an economy that was declining, and altogether shattered by 9/11.  Do I like him?  Nope.  Do I hate him?  Nope.  I occassionally pity him though.

   Bill Clinton managed to sign into law most of the Contract with America, made it very difficult to receive welfare, signed NAFTA into law, and made big business and special interests a full partner in running the country.  In short, he was a heinously deficient liberal that still commands massive popular support with that party.  The Republicans should make him their honorary lord and master, but getting oral sex demonized him with the party that should have loved his policies.

    George senior fought a war, won a war, and left a war on the table.  4 years isn’t a long time to make a huge mark with a divided congress, and he didn’t.

    Ron was charismatic.  He was also really well coached, and he changed America, and the world .  Very few presidents can say that they changed the country they led.  He was probably the most productive president of our time, and whether you like him or hate him it’s hard to dispute.

  In other words, for 28 years we’ve enjoyed presidents doing what they do.  For that same 28 years we have watched congress flounder around like a piglet runt seeking hind tit.  Other than a couple years with Newt Gingrich at the helm, congress has been rudderless for 3 decades.  The current batch may be the worst.  I’m willing to bet the rest of this years pay that the democrats don’t end the war in Iraq this year.  Why?  they don’t believe it is the right thing to do, and they lack the balls to do what they told the people they would do.

  You wish to fix it?  Vote for Ron Paul.  Heh-Heh.  I was kidding.  If you want your country back.  If you want a government run based on compassion for the populace they serve, then refuse to vote for any incumbent.  Refuse to vote for any currently seated official running for higher office.  “pour les encouragemant des outres”  To encourage the others.  The next bunch won’t perform like this bunch if they know you won’t vote for them.

   Elected officials are only responsive to the public if it pays attention, and takes responsibility.  Your responsibility in this matter is to fire non-responsive employees, and to replace them with those who will enforce your will.  Based on the track record of the organization in question, not a single person should retain their seat past their next election.  The ball really is in your court.

Osama Bin Laden video appears recent

September 7, 2007

  Well apparently I was wrong.  This goat humper isn’t dead after all.  He don’t look so good though.  

   His requirements for ending the war in Iraq seem entirely reasonable.  I’m thinking he has been talking to Ron Paul, and decided the guy needed a little Mohammed in his diet.  This lends the lie to Al Qaeda only fighting us because we are there,

There are two solutions to stopping it. One is from our side, and it is to escalate the fighting and killing against you. This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out,” bin Laden said.

“The second solution is from your side. I invite you to embrace Islam,” he said.

   Appparently Dr. Paul leaving won’t fix this.  Apparently we all have to convert to Islam Mr. Paul.  So, you first.  Embrace Islam big fella, because it’s the only way this war ends.

Ron Paul vs. Mike Huckabee…you make the call

September 7, 2007

 and when you're done watching this explain to me when Ron Paul of Dr. No fame became the champion of the Republican party?  He has used the party to get elected, he has voted against them, and though he is certainly a conservative he has attacked the party repeatedly.  Now sudden;y he is worried about how the party will do in the elections.  Is this an example of Ron Paul pandering to the base?  Or just more of his messianic ego run amok?  This has to be the most hypocritical moment of the entire debate.  Ron Paul, defender of the party.